Mother's Day!

It seems mom and flowers just seem to belong together. After all, they are both so precious and beautiful. The thought even inspired me to create the line “Like a beautiful flower, a mother’s love is precious” for a greeting card message in our new Signature Exclusive Greeting Card Line at Indoor Jungle Florist.
There is more to the story though, and there is more than one story! Some report that giving flowers on mother’s Day goes back a few centuries from a religious celebration known as Mothering Sunday in the UK. Folks would go back to their ‘mother church” and bring gifts to their mother during Lent

The American Mother’s Day holiday was founded by Anna Jarvis in 1908. The tradition was created by giving flowers on the very first Mother’s Day celebration.
Anna delivered 500 carnations to the church for a memorial service honoring her mother who taught at the Sunday school at the church in Grafton, West Virginia.

She began the tradition of distributing white carnations, which was her mother’s favorite flower to honor mothers who had passed away. To this day, the carnation is still the flower associated with Mother’s Day. US President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May, Mother’s Day, an official holiday in 1914.
In 2023, flowers and greeting cards make up the most gifted items for Mother’s Day. Flowers symbolize purity and beauty. Just like mothers, flowers are unique, beautiful and bring joy to the world.

The tradition of giving flowers for Mother’s Day has expanded into gifting flowering plants, gardening gifts, flower essences that make up perfume and bath products, and o course the most treasured floral gift, a gorgeous bouquet of Spring flowers. May is one of the best times of the year for giving flowers. It begins the season of growing flowers in many areas and conditions for growing become optimal. After a long winter, flowers are a welcome breath of fresh air!
If you should decide to give the gift of flowers to the mothers in your life, remember your local florist. Keep it local, keep it fresh and support the moms who live, work and raise their families in your community. Many of which may work in local florists and garden centers. MOMS LOVE FLOWERS!!